July 2004

Reunion 2004
The Reunion took place at the Shelbourne Hotel in Southport on Saturday 15 May. 200 people attended this event. Guests of honour were Mr & Mrs Henderson, and a surprise presentation was made to Mr Henderson to celebrate his 80th birthday, which was in May, a week before the party.

A voucher for a Warner Holidays mini-break was given to Mr Henderson from all the ex-pupils as well as a cake, made by former pupil Lily Robinson, and a card with lots of signatures. Flowers were presented to Mrs Henderson. A special message of thanks has since been received from Mr Henderson.

Other former members of staff who came to the Reunion were Mr & Mrs Furness, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Watkinson, Miss Daintith and Miss Dray.

The Hendersons’ took their mini-break using the Warner Holidays voucher in June. They went visiting Nidd Hall in Yorkshire, Thoresby Hall in Nottinghamshire, and Alvaston Hall in Cheshire. Mr Henderson reports on the holiday here.

Cut Above the Rest
Clare Sparks has been in touch to say she is well and has enjoyed her hairdressing course at college. Clare says she passed the setting rollers, blowdrying, and shampooing, but is still learning about colouring and cutting because there are lots of different ways! She says she was the “Best Star” last September because she was good and faster than anyone else!

Clare received a Silver Award from her college at an Award Presentation on 15 June. Her parents took her out for a meal to celebrate. Congratulations Clare! 🙂

She is back in college this September, which will be the second year of the course she is doing. Clare says she will be doing NVQ Level One, and there will only be three others in her group! It sounds like it could be a lot of fun!

School Sale News
Further to the information we published about the sale of the School in March, we understand the same people who are re-developing the old Promenade Hospital, now known as Marine Gate, have purchased the School property. It is likely the School will be converted into luxury flats or apartments, but it will be some considerable time before we see any developments.

Youth Work Success for Christina
Christina Priestley has passed Level 2 in her Youth Work course, also Block 1 of Level 3. Now she is doing Block 2 of the same course.

Christina went to the House of Commons on 23 February to give a speech about DeafYouth from Deafax, who she works for. She also works for Merseyside Society for Deaf People as a Youth Worker.

Birkdale Trust Set Up
A new trust, Birkdale Trust for Hearing Impaired Ltd., has been formed. This trust has taken over the assets of the School, and will be a grant-making trust. As assets are only just starting to be transferred into the trust, it’ll be autumn before the trust is able to consider making any grants.

There are two main conditions attached to grant-making:-

* grants can only be made to young people no older than 25

* the main object of the charity is “to advance the education of children and young people with particular reference to those with a hearing impairment”.

Application forms should be available shortly. Mr Hobley, former Chair of the Governors, says any grants must be for very specific purposes, and there is no guarantee that every application will be successful. Please contact Tony for contact information if you are interested in applying for a grant.

News in Brief
Andrew Stewart spent a week in New Zealand in April. He went over there to attend his sister’s wedding, and had an enjoyable time.

Jeff and Anne Telford [nee McNeil] celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary on 2 June. Congratulations to you both!

Samantha Samuels [nee Peel] is expecting her third child due in March 2005.

Lorna Haycock is starting college on 23 September to learn about computers, especially what to do when they break down and how to fix them.

Cards from Saudi Arabia
Maryam Kamel has finished college, and she has taken all her exams. She says it was hard work. Maryam has returned to Saudi Arabia for good, where she has got her own flat, but will visit her friends in the UK sometimes. She is now going to do card making from home. She will also create leaflets, posters, and tags for jewellery. Maryam says she has got an agency to help her.

School Photos on CD!
With thanks to Jon Power, a former member of the Care Staff, a CD containing nearly 1,500 photos of the School, inside and outside, is now available. There is also a short movie taken from the top of the tower. The CD costs £10; if anyone is interested, please contact Jon for further details. [Please note these photos do not include ex-pupils or staff – TW]

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