This is an advance notice that planned server maintenance will be taking place on 5 October from 10pm onwards. This means you may experience some interruptions accessing this website. It could take up to 5 hours to complete, but hopefully, it will be less than that.
Site news
2 May 2017
After months of development, the new look Photo Gallery is finally here.
It has taken longer than expected to put it all together partly due to errors with two different photo gallery programs that were tested. They both had to be uninstalled as neither worked well and a third one, the one in use now, was added. This resulted in some information having to be re-submitted; as you can imagine, with almost 700 photos this was not an easy task. Hopefully, everything should be running fine now.
There may be some tiny glitches here and there but these will be corrected moving forward. In the coming weeks new photos will be added to the various albums now that a system is in place. If anyone has any photos they want to share, please send them to
11 July 2016
There have been a few requests to add details on staff who worked at the school. We already have records on pupils and this is continuing to be updated as and when information is available.
Today a new section has been added listing the names of staff and what role they played in the life of the school. There is not as much information available as with the pupils’ listing but it is growing. As with the pupils database, this will be updated when appropriate.
If you know of any staff who aren’t listed, please use the contact form to send in the right information.
1 July 2016
Welcome to the new look website!
The whole website has been re-designed with most of the previous content carried over. There is still some content to add and that will happen over the next couple of weeks.
There might be a few teething problems but hopefully not many. If you spot any errors, please use the contact form to send in details.
The Guestbook has had its colours changed to more or less match the rest of the website. Unfortunately it has not been possible to do the same with the old Photo Gallery while the new one is being built because it is using a different codebase.
There is now more chances to be interactive than before – you’ll be able to add comments to articles and news stories where appropriate and the ability to search has been added, especially to the Who’s Who section.
There is more work to be done and additional stuff to be added in the coming weeks. In the meantime, if you have any feedback or ideas please do send them in.
Enjoy exploring!
22 June 2016
This website will soon be having a makeover! After 13 years with almost the same design since being launched in June 2003, it’s time for a new look. Some of the changes will include:
- the ability to search the news section and Who’s Who
- being able to comment on some articles in various areas
- a re-vamped photo gallery (although this will not go live at launch)
- …and a few other things!
The changeover should take place, if all goes well, on 1 July. Expect some downtime on 29-30 June while necessary updates take place in the background. Even when the site is swapped over to the new setup, continued updates will take place over the coming weeks to fine tune everything, and there will be opportunity for feedback and suggestions.