7 February 2010

Former pupil Mike Fahey recently had one of his paintings on display in the PR1 Gallery at the University of Central Lancashire.

fletchfaheyOne of the visitors on Preview Night was another ex-pupil, Philip Fletcher, seen here with Mike and his “little” painting in the background.

Another of Mike’s paintings is on show at the Atkinson Gallery in Somerset from 21 February until late March.

23 January 2010

With news of the next Reunion taking place at the Scarisbrick Hotel in October recently announced, many of you will be trying to make contact with friends to tell them about it.

There are currently three ways to keep up to date with what’s happening: by using this site you’re reading now, the message board set up by Charlotte Smith and the Facebook Group looked after by Mike Fahey. The first two have been around a while, but more people are getting interested with the Facebook Group.

For those that don’t know, Facebook is a social networking site which allows you to contact friends. You can share as much or as little info as you like. Users can tell everyone their news (known as Status Updates), send private messages, add photos and take part in discussions.

Users have their own individual pages and there are Groups where everyone joins in together. The school Facebook site is one such group. If you’re not already on Facebook, now might be the time to join. You need to sign up with an email address and a password (don’t use the same password as your email password though!) – it’s free to sign up & use Facebook. Hopefully, we’ll see more of you on Facebook soon!

7 October 2009

Former pupil Maryam Kamel is going to college in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to study Graphic Design on a one year course. She is enrolling for the course this month and is looking forward to it.

11 September 2009

Former pupil Louise Isles has reached the finals of the Miss Glamour 2009 competition. She is one of four to be judged in London this month.

Louise is no stranger to modeling contests as she was voted one of the top ‘100 Honeys’ for FHM, the lads’ magazine, in 2006.

Louise: good luck in becoming Miss Glamour 2009!

13 April 2009

Jemma Findlow has got engaged to Bertie Holgate. He asked her to marry him on Boxing Day last year. She is expecting a baby due on 19 October.

Congratulations to Jemma & Bertie.

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