We have learnt the sad news David Larkey has died. He passed away in October, but this news has only just reached us. David left our school in 1990.
28 June 2024
Lorna Haycock, who left our school in 1987, sadly passed away a week yesterday (20 June).
Her funeral will take place next Friday 5 July at 10.30am at Flintshire Crematorium, Oakenholt Lane, Northop, CH7 6DF.
20 March 2024
We are sad to learn former pupil Joseph O’Neill took his own life on 10 March. Joseph’s funeral will be taking place at Widnes Crematorium on 28 March at 12pm.
Some of Joseph’s friends are trying to find Jayesh Mistry and Philip Howarth to tell them about Joseph. If you know where they are, please let them know or use the Contact Form to provide any info you may have.
30 November 2022
Several former pupils and staff attended Nora Furness’ funeral on Monday (28 November). The service was held at St James’ Church in Birkdale and was led by Reverend Eddie Loxham. Nora’s grandchildren, Sarah and Timothy, gave lovely tributes.
Refreshments were provided in the church hall after the service, and this gave everyone a chance to catch-up and reminisce about Nora. Below is a photo of some ex-pupils with former teacher Brian Birkby.
8 February 2022
Information has been received giving the sad news former pupil David Donovan passed away on 5 February in hospital after a short illness. David left the school in 1972.
Our thoughts go out to David’s partner Dee and family.
29 November 2021
Former pupil John Thorpe has sadly died at the age of 72. He passed away last month.
John left our school in 1965, and was well-liked by many other ex-pupils.
22 July 2018
Stephen Granger has written in to ask everyone to join him in congratulating Stephen Malpus and his wife Margaret on their 40th Wedding Anniversary this month! A lovely evening in Stockport (21 July) was enjoyed by family, friends and old School colleagues. Well done to Stephen M. and Margaret. Onto the 50th now! Stephen G. hopes to see you all in October for another reunion.
28 January 2018
There was a very large turn out for the funeral of Margaret Fletcher (nee Mann) at Blacon Crematorium, Chester on Thursday 25 January 2018, including several young and old pupils from Birkdale School.
At the end of the service, the Chester Deesign Choir signed Margaret’s favourite song “You Raised Me Up”.
It was family flowers only but donations of £901.36 were raised, and this was split between The British Lung Foundation and Chester Deaf Club.
The wake was held at Chester Deaf Club afterwards.
[Report sent in by Irene Bassett (née Rees)]
12 August 2017
A mini reunion took place in Manchester yesterday (11 August). Five ex-pupils met up for a chat over a pint and a meal. This was enjoyed by all. In attendance were Chris Yates, Steven Grainger, Steve Malpus, Mike Fahey and Stephen Smith.
Lads’ night out in Manchester – they never stopped talking!
[Thanks to Mike Fahey for the news and photo]
2 July 2016
Emma Hughes has posted a message in our Guestbook to say she’s moving to Yorkshire in September to start a new job at John Lewis in October.
Good luck Emma with the move and the new job!