Information has been received giving the sad news former pupil David Donovan passed away on 5 February in hospital after a short illness. David left the school in 1972.
Our thoughts go out to David’s partner Dee and family.
The website for ex-pupils and staff of LSPD/SPHB/BSHIC
Information has been received giving the sad news former pupil David Donovan passed away on 5 February in hospital after a short illness. David left the school in 1972.
Our thoughts go out to David’s partner Dee and family.
Janet Mulcahy has been in contact to inform us that her mother Mrs Barbara Morris sadly passed away yesterday morning, aged 94. Like Janet, Mrs Morris was a former teacher at the school.
Our condolences go to Janet and her family during this sad time.
Update 18.02.22: Barbara Morris’ funeral will be taking place at 1pm on Wednesday 23 February at Southport Crematorium.
News has been received this evening that Mrs Eileen Tomkinson sadly passed away last week.
Mrs Tomkinson started teaching at our school in 1964, and went on to become Head of the Junior School in 1980. When Miss Clark retired in 1986, Mrs Tomkinson took over as Principal. At the end of the Christmas term in 1991, Mrs Tomkinson herself retired from this role.
No funeral details are available yet, but it will be after Christmas.
Our thoughts are with Mrs Tomkinson’s daughter Helen, family and friends during this sad time.
Update 03.01.2022: a date has been set for Mrs Tomkinson’s funeral; it will take place on 14 January at 2.45pm. There is a 30 person limit on funerals in Wales at the moment, but there will be a virtual link available should anyone want it. Please use the Contact Form to request the link if you would like to have this.
Update 10.01.2022: as many of you who knew Mrs Tomkinson will not be able to get to join the family for the funeral service on Friday, they are hoping to be able to collect memories that can be read or spoken during the service. If you would like to share your favourite memories of Mrs Tomkinson, please contact us to arrange sending these to Helen and family.
Update 13.01.2022: details of the webcast for Mrs Tomkinson’s funeral are now available. If anyone wishes to access the funeral service tomorrow (14 January) at 2.45pm, please contact us to request the login information.
Former pupil John Thorpe has sadly died at the age of 72. He passed away last month.
John left our school in 1965, and was well-liked by many other ex-pupils.
We are sad to report the death of Mr John Morgan who passed away suddenly in May.
Mr Morgan was a well-respected member of staff who thought a lot about school and its pupils. He taught Science, and was involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. He will be greatly missed.
Former Chairman of the Governors Mr Denis Hobley died suddenly this morning. No further news are available at the moment.
Mr Hobley was a kind, caring and wise friend of the school who served as a dedicated Chairman on the Board of Governors. He continued with the Birkdale Trust for Hearing Impaired after the school closed.
Wendy Dray’s funeral took place yesterday (27 September). Mourners gathered at Liverpool Road Cemetery for the Committal, and this was followed by a Memorial Service at Aughton Park Baptist Church.
Several former staff attended, including Mrs Liz Rothwell and her husband Duncan, Mr & Mrs Loxham, Miss Angela Baron, Mrs Janet Mulcahy, Mr Brian Birkby, and Mr Steve Hosker. A few ex-pupils paid their respects too; among them were Celia Hulme, Lucy Riding, Charlotte Speak, and Victoria Sumner-Jones.
Victoria Sefton‘s parents were also there.
Mrs Rothwell was asked by Miss Beryl Daintith to present a tribute about Wendy in her years as a teacher at Birkdale School.
Qlocal reports on the service here.
Mrs Rothwell has been in touch to let us know the sad news that Miss Wendy Dray passed away yesterday following a long illness.
Update 11.09.2021: arrangements for Wendy Dray’s funeral have been announced. It will take place on Monday 27 September. First, a burial at Liverpool Road Cemetery, Southport [PR8 3BN] at 11am, followed by a Memorial Service at Aughton Park Baptist Church, Long Lane, Aughton, Ormskirk [L39 5BZ] at 12pm.
You are welcome to attend either or both of these. If attending the cemetery, if you arrive a few minutes early at the gate you will be able to follow the hearse to the burial plot for the graveside prayers.
Beryl Daintith has asked for no flowers but donations you wish to make will be split between Queenscourt Hospice in Southport and Wycliffe Bible Translators. There will be collection boxes at the church. Details of where people can send donations if they are not able to attend the funeral will be made available soon.
Some of you have been asking or wondering about Daphne, one of the daughters of Nora and John Furness. (She was not mentioned in the article celebrating Mrs Furness’s 104th birthday.)
Permission has been given to inform you that sadly Daphne died a few years ago as a result of a car crash, which also killed her friend who was driving. The young man responsible was eventually given a prison sentence and a driving ban.
This was and is a tragic thing to happen. We hope you will appreciate why this was not made public at the time.
We have received news from Paul Harper that David Smith passed away peacefully last night (15 March). He left school in 1960 and just turned 77 last Friday. Paul said he, Melvyn Oughton and David regularly met in Manchester over the past few years.
Our thoughts go to David’s family and friends during this sad time.