18 February 2011

jfurnessMany of you may now be aware that Mr John Furness, Principal from 1956-76, passed away sometime during the weekend of 22/23 January. He had been admitted to hospital, and died peacefully under their care. Mr Furness had been unwell for some time and was staying in a nursing home before being admitted to hospital.

Mr Furness’ funeral took place at St James’ Church on Lulworth Road in Birkdale on 2 February. The service was lovely, and the school was well represented by both ex-pupils and staff. Miss Clark, who was Mr Furness’ Deputy for 18 of the 20 years he was Principal, made a speech reflecting on the years she worked with him.

Several former members of staff were present; these include teachers Miss Dray, Miss Daintith, Mrs Goodall, Mrs Morris, Mrs Rothwell, Mr Henderson, Mr Birkby and Mr Fyles. Classroom Assistant Mrs Hunt was also there as was former Principal Mr Loxham with his wife. Mrs Pattison from the school office also attended the service.

The family went on to the Crematorium after the service at St James, and refreshments were laid on at the Cambridge Hotel afterwards.

Donations were given to the Alzheimer’s Society.

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